strength |
Medium |
size |
6 x 60 |
grade |
wapper |
Honduras |
binder |
Honduras |
filler |
Honduras |
shape |
Gordo |
For a quarter century, Christian Eiroa has been producing some of the finest premium cigars in the world, including the legendary Camacho brand. Now, to celebrate this milestone achievement, he has crafted the CLE 25th Anniversary 50 x 5 cigars. Having spent most of his youth and young adult life learning his trade from his father in the tobacco fields of Honduras, it’s fitting that Christian crafts these fine celebratory cigars using nothing but Honduran tobacco. Composed entirely of Christian’s favorite Criollo tobacco leaves, this stunning Robusto delivers rich full-flavored notes of coffee, cedar, leather, spice, and subtle hints of chocolate. Soon after torching this top-notch Robusto, you will quickly realize that Eiroa’s passion for Honduran tobacco comes shining through with every puff.
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